Take time to play in the grass and smell the flowers, like these butterflies!
Oh, have a look at the Assistive Technology info. too.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Deaf or Hard of Hearing Impairment

Today our task was to find a you tube clip that pertained to a hairing impairment or deafness. I found several that I think are interesting. The first two are about children that were born deaf. The assitive technology device being featured are cochlear implants. A cochlear implant (CI) is a surgically implanted electronic device that provides a sense of sound to a person who is profoundly deaf or severely hard of hearing. The cochlear implant is often referred to as a bionic ear.

The clips are showing the children on the day they are having their implants activated. I found it interesting how the two reacted differently. The 8 month old seemed very excited to hear his mom's voice for the first time. The older girl seems upset or scared by hearing her first sounds though she looks up by the end. I also shows the excitement of their parents too. Imagine witnessing your child hearing for the first time.

I found another neat device. An alarm clock for children. It states it is for all children not only for hard of hearing children; a good design feature!

While searching today I learned about some neat AT devices though did not find video clips featuring the devices. There are various speakers to improve hearing (i.e.x mini or imaingo 2).There is a device called icommunicator that " The iCommunicator translates in real-time:
• Speech to Text
• Speech/Text to Video Sign-Language
• Speech/Text to Computer Generated Voice"

The cochlear implant is an amazing device. I wonder if / when someone will create a similar device that will be able to output the thoughts of autistic children in speech, allowing their voice to be heard orally.

1 comment:

  1. Hurrah!! The dynamic duo has gotten through two more coures. Thanks for all the support and teamwork "Little Buddy".(not just the past two weeks but the past four years) Maybe I coulda done it withoutcha but it wouldna been as much fun.
