Take time to play in the grass and smell the flowers, like these butterflies!
Oh, have a look at the Assistive Technology info. too.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Boardmaker Plus

Well another day of learning! I had prepared for class by watching Barb's tutorial and knowing what was being expected in the assignment. I had some prior experience by using boardmaker. I still felt lost at times though. I have a new increased appreciation for my students when they feel something new is too much. I did manage to get the communication boards almost finished in class. When I came home I opened up the Boardmaker Plus Manual. It is long but well organized so I didn't have to read it all tonight. I tried out a few things for fun and learned a few cool features too! I strongly suggest using the manual. I guess it's true, if all else fails read the directions. Hopefully tomorrow's work on the book part of the assignment goes well. Wishing you all smooth sailing on your work!


  1. Don't forget my tutorial I sent too Darlene - it walks you through step by step how to make a communication board. Also check out BoarmakerShare.com (same as AdaptedLearning.com

  2. Barb,
    Thanks for the reminders. I did look at your tutorial prior to class. It was terrific giving me the meat of what our task was. Lorraine and I both could not get our folders to come to our desktops for some reason. We tried several ways to solve the problem with no luck. I found the manual helpful for the little particulars I might want to change and it didn't help with the saving to desktop or sending it to you either. Lorraine & I did try the share site. I actually found it a little hard to navigate though we did find a good book to use as a starting point for the other part of the assignment.
